Monday, February 28, 2011


Was talking to My BFF Molly last night, and we were discussing relationships of any sort and how the lasting ones are dependent on both members knowing it's worth it to be 100% of the relationship when all the other person can afford is 0%. How long each person can tolerate doing so is a different story entirely, which is why the lasting ones are also made up of two people who wouldn't wish to subject the other to it, but thinking about this got me thinking. [What else is new]

Am I supposed to be giving 100% right now? Am I supposed to have the same final say I'm learning to forgo and swear til I die that I had something that should have lasted?

Pretty sure the answer is no.

Pretty sure.


Molly said...

SHOUT OUT! hoollllla! haha. I got your 100% , 100% of the time love. and I love you, just in case ya didn't know.']

Ren said...

Just because you *can* do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.

Anything can happen in the future.

But I'd say, for now, the answer to the question you pose is indeed no.

You were right.