Ben Sollee @ Red Light Café, 6.3.08
[Bonus: Abigail Washburn & The Sparrow Quartet @ Variety Playhouse, 5.22.08]
Okay so here's the deal. This guy is good. And I didn't set out to like him. It's a rare CD that, on a whim, pushes its way onto my Favorite Albums of All Time after a single listen through. I credit that to the new horizon it's presented to my music tastes. Ben Sollee is a revolutionary, Kentucky-birthed cellist. At the Variety show, he was a swell classical addition to Washburn's bluegrass -- until she offered him the spotlight and forced him to surprise her audience with his all-encompassing technique and honest, unadulterated vocals. After his solo, I hopped out of my seat and purchased his upcoming release Learning To Bend. Each track competes with the one before it for the inevitably chosen Favorite Song. My favorite is "It's Not Impossible."
[but it grows on you]
[note the matching men and red-strapless-Abigail -- trés chic]
"And I must admit, all jokes aside,
I find some men beautiful
some women handsome
and some children wise."
{And now for a back in time bonus.}
I find some men beautiful
some women handsome
and some children wise."
{And now for a back in time bonus.}
*Note: One mustn't postpone concert reviews for diversity's sake. One may forget the concert's finer points and have only pictures to show for it.*
...anyways, the music was refreshing and Washburn's Chinese lyrics were interesting and somewhat amusing. I enjoyed it, but will say this: If headed to an unfamiliar act, listen to the show before buying the EP.
P.S. Check out Sollee's track "A Few Honest Words" in my Last FM playlist if you haven't already.