Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Kids These Days...


Anonymous said...

As a pirate, I think that kicking a monster's ass is a good thing.

As a parent, I know NOW that kids are like sponges, they soak up everything and spit it out at the most inopportune times.

I wish that high speed internet was available where I live so it wouldn't take so bloody long to download YouTube videos!

H said...

That is so cute.

Whiskeymarie said...

I like to think, that if video recorders weighed less than 27 pounds then, that this would be a video of me as a child.
Ahhh...good times.

Point Dexter said...

lol I saw this the other day while browsing the internet for pet foxes. Weird what youtube connects to foxes... anywho. Fricken hilarious!