Saturday, July 12, 2008


you need something to hold on to. 

you need to stand in the rain.
you need to know, 
amidst the billowing philosophies that outline your truth,
an explanation for why, when you held on to the rain,
it seemed at that point more solid
than the ground beneath your knees.
because falling had become commonplace, 
and it seemed as though even the bottom
wouldn't stop you.
this challenges everything you've heard.
gravity is still gravity, you're told.
it still doesn't send you to the top.
all you know is that the top is taller than you.
before you return--
before you long to root your feet in the sky--


it doesn't matter in which direction.
run barefoot through the glistening streets,
faster the rain falls,
as though you'll catch up with the wind.
and you'll find what you're looking for. 
you'll hold on to more than rain. 

{as read at Rhythm & Hues, 7.11.08}


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Wish I was there to hear it read.

Anonymous said...

lucy, this is my favorite one. it's phenomenal.

Anonymous said...

umm its lk u now the way i feel but put it into words