Now You Tell Me
I know I'm only guessing, but this has got to be what it feels like to need a drink.
bulletproof blank (n): 1. an impenetrable space. 2. the frustrating sensation that no word used in that gap could convey what I am trying to say.
I know I'm only guessing, but this has got to be what it feels like to need a drink.
Posted by
Lucy Doughty
5:29 PM
For me that comes pretty much whenever I'm still sober :P
That's precisely what it feels like to need a drink.
I needed a cigarette once...or a bullet. My film project I had been working on for two weeks got deleted on the school's computer. I had to start over, and I freaked out. It's funny how important those things seem at the time. Hang in there kiddo.
I don't know if words can properly describe when you need a drink. It's just kind of a feeling of utter despair, or frustration, or aggravation. There are a number of reasons on needing a drink: work, girls (maybe guys in your case), friends, it being Tuesday, etc. (I could probably make this into a whole blog post, maybe I will soon. . . )
If you feel the need to ask, than you hit the nail on the head.
Have a candy bar or Ice cream instead.
Same relief with none of the potentially embarrassing side effects.
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