Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Effects of Mood Swings

Emotions are an attempt to find one's self. Some practice being sad. Happy, because it looks good. Scared, because comfort follows. Confident, because followers listen. True, because credibility is desirable. False, because liars are the center of any problem they create; attention loves problems. I don't think we practice being unprepared, humiliated, or broken.

We are creatures of habit, and habits are fueled by short-term consequences. Any far off outcome isn't incentive enough, though outcomes essentially define one's self. Emotions, then, determine character.

What one portrays forms the world's opinion. The world consists of people we love -- or at least they live here. Those people's thoughts regularly surpass our own in importance.

What one feels is seldom what they portray. Are the aforementioned impressions false? Does the practice of dishonesty not only avoid reality, but alter it? Does the practice of truth lead to happiness. Does happiness create confidence. Is confidence scary.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave.


Stephen said...

you have it, my friend... incredibly wise words.

my hat's off.

Anonymous said...

i thought nothing of this subject till i by accident came across your blog. your thoughts, perceptions and ideas wow me, i wish to think that life was more then what you say, that it is fuller then that, but it isn't, and never will be unless we want it and believe in it.