Friday, December 3, 2010

Just warn me when forever starts to end

Hey, this posting-every-day thing is growing on me. Like a period on the end of a web-surfing sentence as I head off to bed. You know I found a relatable image to share:

Eh, that's a text. Whatevs. Also, I'm only about 12% heart at this point. I read this post today about a friend of a friend who can't help but dream, can't help but imagine what could be out of what seems as though it shouldn't have been. He can't help but extend an inkling into forever. All my coping mechanism inklings are extending into forever, which will lead to coping forever. No, not coping. After a certain point, the coping will be over. A new forever is running in my direction.

I'm going to go write in Central Park on Sunday! Expect pictures and an actual piece! Hold me to it!

Student blip: got an A- on a project that's worth 20% of my grade in a class I have a C in :) that's a happy feeling.

Now here's a picture:

Cheers, all.

1 comment:

molls said...

i have to say screw you, only because I want to be in central park with you, but then I have to say that I am proud to call you my best friend. your everlasting love.
