Monday, February 8, 2010

New York, I love you--but you're bringing me dum ba dum, ba dum ba dum

Though I am no Englishman, I will soon be a legal alien in New York.

Don't think of it as me leaving you. I chose NYC over Bremen, Germany, so there's something to be thankful for, eh?

Think of it as the greatest city in the world becoming more accessible; starting August sometime-or-other, there will be a person there--living day in and out, opening a Starbucks, grocery shopping, laundromatting, running in the rain, riding the metro--who loves and misses you.

I wish I had someone in New York who loves me. I guess I'll have to take who I find and make it happen!

"Distance is to love what wind is to fire; it kills what's fickle, but strengthens what's real."

[image courtesy of Le Love]
[title lyric courtesy of LCD Soundsystem]


Anonymous said... you're going to college in NYC?!! AHHHHHHHHHJKALF;EJWLA;J CONGRATSSSSSSSSS

And that's a brilliant quote.

molly said...

so that means our love will last!!!! and i will be the bff who visits u and dates all the cute new york boys...ur welcome haha

Point Dexter said...

Good luck finding love in New York. The only thing that reminds me of is Sex and the City!
School there will be so exciting!

I'm looking for love, can you send some my way when you find it?

Appreciate it ;)

Anonymous said...

YOU'RE NOT GONNA BLOG ANYMORE JUST CUZ YOU'RE A GONNA BE A SOPHISTICATED COLLEGE PERSON? I think if anything, you'll have more ideas floating around in that lovely brain of yours, and write them down on recycled banana paper (which doesn't really smell like bananas, since everyone asks) as you nibble on an almost-too-expensive-but-heck-I-have-a-job-now-and-I've-gotta-eat sandwich (yum) from Trader Joe's selection of prepared meals for your not average, but awesome, working class joe. you know, the one you strut up to the register with and then feel a little cooler all day long. as you people-watch while pondering life while sitting on a bench on a sunny day in central park. :)

I will love you from here in GA. snowless GA.
this might seem creepy unless you've already scrolled down and read that this is your sister SKYE! or unless you've already used your sister intuition and can tell from my style of writing. :)

okay, bye! :D see you tonight. and the next night. and so on, until you leave me. :( for college. psh.

no really. bye. I love you. bye.