Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Picture You in the Sun

There are those moments. Those super cliche I-feel-so-alive moments? I have those sometimes.

I don't like being alone when I have them.

Most recently I was home alone
in my bikini
opening all the doors
playing The Mamas & The Papas Anthology
on my first turntable
patching it through to backyard speakers
dancing like I do
and falling asleep in the sun.

And I had no one to share it with. Until now, I suppose.

But you should have been there. We could have been ourselves
in our suits
in my yard
in the sun
in the spring
in my wildest dreams.


molly Sharp said...

CAll me when u have those again i will totallly be dancing right beside u haha

Anonymous said...

i know those moments well. And yes, i think that most times they're much richer, more mango-flavored if shared.

but i dunno. maybe that one was made just for you.

akanksha said...

this is so cute. and super relatable. spell check tells me that is not a word. well, whatever.
<3 :)